Ways to Give
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Donate Online
How far does your $1 go?
Sustaining Support for Cost of Care
Recurring monthly donations add up over time and makes an incredible impact on our patients’ lives.
$50/month x 12 = 3 clinic visits
Clinic cost = $200 per visit
$25/month x 12 = 4 mammograms
Clinic cost = $75 per mammogram
~$130/month x 12 = 1 patient
Clinic cost = $1,600 per patient annually
Credit Card Donations
Can be made online by clicking below or noted on WTFC remittance envelopes distributed in our letters and publications.
Cash and Check Donations
Are always gratefully accepted and can be mailed to 2019 Meade Parkway, Suffolk, VA, 23434
Tributes Gifts
A great way to honor a loved one or friend and may be designated as either In Honor Of or In Memory Of. Your designee, or an appropriate family member, will be notified of your remembrance, although the gift amount is not disclosed. Tributes are recognized in our annual report. Any form of payment can be accepted as a tribute gift.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Other Ways to Give
Please consider donating through any of the methods listed below. For more information contact Director of Development Jessica York at 757-923-1060 ext. 7025 or jyork@wtfreeclinic.org.

Estate and Tax Planning Gifts
- Gifts of stock, securities or bonds
- Real property
- Bequests
- Gifts of life insurance, IRA’s or other retirement plans
Charitable donations are an excellent way to support WTFC while also protecting yourself and your heirs from unexpected tax obligations. Estate planning also benefits the Clinic’s future financial health. Please remember to consult your financial adviser when considering this type of giving.

United Way Designations
Are you a United Way donor at your place of employment? You can designate Western Tidewater Free Clinic as the agency recipient of that donation. If you are a state employee, choose CVCC Agency Code #201590 or WTFC on the Agency line. If you are a federal employee, note WTFC on the Agency line.

Amazon Wish List
WTFC has a Wish List on Amazon if you would like to purchase in-kind donations to be shipped directly to the Clinic! Please click here to see our most recent Wish List!

Employer Matching Gifts
Ask your employer if your company has a program that matches your donation to WTFC. This is a great way to increase your donation at no extra cost to you!

In-Kind Donations
The Clinic accepts in-kind donations of office, kitchen, bathroom, and cleaning supplies, as well as other items. In-kind donations allow the Clinic to keep operating expenses down and dedicate more funding to direct patient care.
Click here for our current wish list
Our Mission
The mission of Western Tidewater Free Clinic is to provide high-quality, non-emergency health care to the residents of Western Tidewater who cannot otherwise afford it. Western Tidewater Free Clinic maintains a 501(c)3 non-profit status and gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Clinic Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 1pm
Dental Clinic
hours vary
Contact Us
2019 Meade Parkway
Suffolk, VA 23434
p: 757-923-1060
f: 757-923-1068
e: info@wtfreeclinic.org