Who We Serve
Since opening in 2007
WTFC has provided care
To over 8,000 unduplicated patients through over 226,000 on-site visits for medical, dental, vision, women’s health, mental health, and pharmacy consultation services.
Since the inception of our pharmacy assistance programs, Rx Partnership and the Medication Assistance Program, WTFC patients have received over 319,600 free medications with a retail value of over $61.7 million.
Potential new patients must be qualified to receive services at the Clinic. Effective January 1, 2019, to meet eligibility requirements, patients must:

Be an adult, age 18 or older

Live in Suffolk, Franklin, or Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surry or Sussex counties

Live at or below 300% of the FPL

Medical: Have no medical insurance and not eligible for Medicare or VA benefits

Dental: Have no dental insurance or have Medicaid dental benefits
Unduplicated Patients

Patient 2024 demographics:

71% are over the age of 40

60% are women

42% are working full or part-time, many with more than one job

80% of patients live at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)-for a family of four, this would be an annual income of $48,225

71% of patients live at or below 100% of the FPL-for a family of four, this would be an annual income of $32,150

Volunteers are critical to the successful operation of WTFC. Since opening, volunteers have donated over 160,000 hours to improve the health and lives of patients. This time has a market value of over $5 million.
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Our Mission
The mission of Western Tidewater Free Clinic is to provide high-quality, non-emergency health care to the residents of Western Tidewater who cannot otherwise afford it. Western Tidewater Free Clinic maintains a 501(c)3 non-profit status and gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Clinic Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 1pm
Dental Clinic
hours vary
Contact Us
2019 Meade Parkway
Suffolk, VA 23434
p: 757-923-1060
f: 757-923-1068
e: info@wtfreeclinic.org